Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top Five Things You Should Never Say To A Single Mother

So, after nine years of being a single mother and speaking with other single mothers, I thought it was time to do a little shout out to all those amazing women out there. Women in general smile through a lot of inappropriate things said to them daily and as a single mother we sure get our fair share.

It was really difficult to narrow these down and after I posted the video I got a ton of messages from mothers telling me crazy CRAZY things that have been said to them.

Ladies, you are doing a great job, keep your chin up and keep laughing. It is really all we can do in the end!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Vloggin Like A Fool!

This week was an interesting one. From birthday parties (I can't believe my son is 9), music, family health emergencies and explosions. Check out my latest episode of Cara Jones Speaks: Vloggin Like a Fool.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tips and Tricks on How to Finish Writing Your Memoir!

After finishing my book, Dear Cole, Never Say Never, people started asking me for advice on how to get through some of the obstacles they were facing while writing their book. Here are a few tips that really helped me in the process! If you have any questions that you would like to ask me, please feel free to comment on the video:)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Documenting My Mundane Life!

After moving back to Nova Scotia from Toronto, Ontario, I decided to start documenting and sharing with my viewers moments in my life as well as videos that highlight many of the things I have learned in my life as a mother, entrepreneur, intuitive and all round foolish person.

This first Vlog is just a silly intro into my life and my crazy friends. Check out out!

Stay tuned for my next video. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Beginnings

It has been a looooong time since I wrote in this blog but now I feel is the time to start again. It is a time of new beginnings!

I see a lot of new beginnings happening in a lot of people's lives. Everyone thought that 2012 was going to be the end but I can't help but notice a large amount of people waking up and living in a new consciousness. What do I mean by this? Well, I guess I see it in the little ways we interact with each other on a day to day basis. Our interconnectivity, our joy.

People (and a lot of men) who would never admit to being connected to a higher self, God, Universe, etc., are being called to something they can't describe. Many of them are noticing and telling me that what they think about manifests at a more rapid pace than ever before. I am noticing that in my own life at well. It is all very exciting.

So a little recap to where I have been and where I am hopefully going (I am going..geez do I ever learn to be careful with my words). I moved to the wonderful city of Toronto to start over and boy oh boy what a transition it has been.


I knew I had to move into a more prosperous environment for my spiritual AND career growth. I was about to finish my long awaited book, Dear Cole, Never Say Never, and I wanted to connect with a bigger audience.

Spirit guided my boyfriend Kyle and I, as well as my son Cole to this inspiring city and the people here have been amazing. I won't lie though, it has been difficult getting employment and figuring out just what the heck I am doing with the 290 books in my living room. How do I reach my readers? How do I tell them all I have learned and continue to learn. It was over the weekend that spirit gave me a real swift kick in the butt and said, "RELAX, it will all come together."

As I was researching online publicists and book reviewers I stumbled across a Wayne Dyer video on YouTube. Now if you are in the spiritual community you might be wondering how in the world it has taken me so long to watch or listen to Wayne Dyer and his teachings. I have absolutely no idea! I mean I knew about him and I knew what he did, but I just never listened to him before. I guess there s something to be said about that wise old saying, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear."

The man floored me! Totally floored me! It was everything I needed to hear in that exact moment and I knew I was going to be okay. That I had listened to spirit, was doing the best I could do in this moment and I had to "Trust in my own nature."

Please watch this video. It is absolutely worth every moment.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Psychic but Sane!

Today I want to talk to you about a great blog I came across called "Psychic but Sane." So many of us have psychic experiences, some more intense than others. We are all able to connect to a higher energy and receive information from the Divine, Universe, God, Budda, or whoever it is that you connect with. There are so many tools and techniques that you can learn to use your intuition on a daily basis and for your highest good and all those concerned. It doesn't have to be scary or like you see in movies or shows like "Medium" often times it is the most gentle reassurance that we are all connected and there is, without a doubt, more than meets the eye.

I love the blog by Anna Conland because it is a down to earth approach to teaching people about spirituality and the unknown. I too like to take this approach and strive to develop my materials in order to teach you how to develop your skills of intuition, but in the mean time, check out her blog. It's really worth the read!

For my next entry I will be discussing the positive outcomes of meditation and how you can use Channeling to connect with your spirit guides and angels!

Until then, love and light to all!

Cara Jones

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How the loving energy of Reiki... kicked my naive spiritual butt!

You may be wondering how something as loving and gentle as Reiki can kick anyone’s butt, but of course I say that light heartedly and metaphorically.

I have been a second degree Reiki practitioner since I was 22, 12 years now (now you don’t have to guess my age). I will never forget that time in my life when I was about to receive my first Level Reiki, which would allow me to channel the universal life force through my body and help heal plants, animals and myself. There is no religious philosophy when it comes to Reiki, and it is an extremely gentle and loving form of healing.

The reason I say it kicked my spiritual butt was because at the time, little known to myself, I was in a spiritual crisis. Having gone through quite a bit in my life up until the age of 18, experiencing a sexual violation at 19, starting university at 20 and having my whole spiritual belief system completely transformed from Catholic to Wiccan, my soul had be challenged. It was more than I understood and as I continued working on my self-love and acceptance, as well as my individuality and creativity, while still remaining present in the moment. Let’s just say they were definitely learning years.

So here is the real deal. While carrying all that around, I was also wearing my new “image” of a spiritual person like a badge. Almost to say, “Look at me, I’m new age, I’m a hippy, I’m cool...accept me please!”

That was when I was lead to Reiki. I loved the idea of it, the fact that I could help others and heal myself. It also was a connection I desired because I wanted to feel whole, to experience oneness. Then there was my ego that never shut up. You know what I ‘m talking about, that voice in your head that tells you to eat the cake when you know you’re full, or says all those annoying things like, “Go ahead buy the dress, you deserve it,” when you know full well you are broke!

Well my ego was saying, “Get Reiki level one, then get Reiki Level Two, then get three and become a Master, then teach!” Yikes!

So I go into the workshop and I am initiated, and it feels great. Then Reiki did what it likes to do best, it healed!

Remember how I said I was looking for something to help me feel whole? Connected? Oneness? As a true believer in The Law of Attraction, I got exactly what I asked for. All the holes and spiritual wounds filled in and for a year I felt like I had a spiritual fever as I cleansed and worked through each issue that rose to the surface, then let it go! It took me over a year to get my second level and by that time I was a completely different person. I had release so much that getting the second level was an experience I could have only dreamed of. I began my journey of wholeness that I sought after and my ego, although still fully functioning, had grown a mute button that I could press any time I choose. It was amazing!

I wanted to share this with you because if you are about to get your Reiki level one I wanted to say “Congratulations” and don’t be afraid because even though spiritual lesson can be challenging they are also the most rewarding gifts to give yourself.

If you know of anyone who offers Reiki, I highly suggest trying it out. It is a warm, gentle and loving healing method that brings balance to your chakra’s and helps your spirit regain strength.

Love & Light to all!