Monday, March 26, 2012

Psychic but Sane!

Today I want to talk to you about a great blog I came across called "Psychic but Sane." So many of us have psychic experiences, some more intense than others. We are all able to connect to a higher energy and receive information from the Divine, Universe, God, Budda, or whoever it is that you connect with. There are so many tools and techniques that you can learn to use your intuition on a daily basis and for your highest good and all those concerned. It doesn't have to be scary or like you see in movies or shows like "Medium" often times it is the most gentle reassurance that we are all connected and there is, without a doubt, more than meets the eye.

I love the blog by Anna Conland because it is a down to earth approach to teaching people about spirituality and the unknown. I too like to take this approach and strive to develop my materials in order to teach you how to develop your skills of intuition, but in the mean time, check out her blog. It's really worth the read!

For my next entry I will be discussing the positive outcomes of meditation and how you can use Channeling to connect with your spirit guides and angels!

Until then, love and light to all!

Cara Jones

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How the loving energy of Reiki... kicked my naive spiritual butt!

You may be wondering how something as loving and gentle as Reiki can kick anyone’s butt, but of course I say that light heartedly and metaphorically.

I have been a second degree Reiki practitioner since I was 22, 12 years now (now you don’t have to guess my age). I will never forget that time in my life when I was about to receive my first Level Reiki, which would allow me to channel the universal life force through my body and help heal plants, animals and myself. There is no religious philosophy when it comes to Reiki, and it is an extremely gentle and loving form of healing.

The reason I say it kicked my spiritual butt was because at the time, little known to myself, I was in a spiritual crisis. Having gone through quite a bit in my life up until the age of 18, experiencing a sexual violation at 19, starting university at 20 and having my whole spiritual belief system completely transformed from Catholic to Wiccan, my soul had be challenged. It was more than I understood and as I continued working on my self-love and acceptance, as well as my individuality and creativity, while still remaining present in the moment. Let’s just say they were definitely learning years.

So here is the real deal. While carrying all that around, I was also wearing my new “image” of a spiritual person like a badge. Almost to say, “Look at me, I’m new age, I’m a hippy, I’m cool...accept me please!”

That was when I was lead to Reiki. I loved the idea of it, the fact that I could help others and heal myself. It also was a connection I desired because I wanted to feel whole, to experience oneness. Then there was my ego that never shut up. You know what I ‘m talking about, that voice in your head that tells you to eat the cake when you know you’re full, or says all those annoying things like, “Go ahead buy the dress, you deserve it,” when you know full well you are broke!

Well my ego was saying, “Get Reiki level one, then get Reiki Level Two, then get three and become a Master, then teach!” Yikes!

So I go into the workshop and I am initiated, and it feels great. Then Reiki did what it likes to do best, it healed!

Remember how I said I was looking for something to help me feel whole? Connected? Oneness? As a true believer in The Law of Attraction, I got exactly what I asked for. All the holes and spiritual wounds filled in and for a year I felt like I had a spiritual fever as I cleansed and worked through each issue that rose to the surface, then let it go! It took me over a year to get my second level and by that time I was a completely different person. I had release so much that getting the second level was an experience I could have only dreamed of. I began my journey of wholeness that I sought after and my ego, although still fully functioning, had grown a mute button that I could press any time I choose. It was amazing!

I wanted to share this with you because if you are about to get your Reiki level one I wanted to say “Congratulations” and don’t be afraid because even though spiritual lesson can be challenging they are also the most rewarding gifts to give yourself.

If you know of anyone who offers Reiki, I highly suggest trying it out. It is a warm, gentle and loving healing method that brings balance to your chakra’s and helps your spirit regain strength.

Love & Light to all!

Friday, March 16, 2012

In Memory of Dr. Ottilia Chareka

What do I say on this day that will be marked in my heart forever? Today is one year after the horrific murder of our dearly beloved Dr. Ottilia Chareka. How do I summarize the year? The only thing I could hear repeated over and over in my head for 12 months were the words, “Let go and let God!”

I am not a religious person although obviously extremely spiritual, but in the height of the horror, watching her five girls pick up the pieces of their lives, watching my mother who refused to grieve her best friend’s death, almost lose her own life from a stroke, holding Ottilia’s three year old baby in my arms as she cried for her mother asking me “Why she couldn’t stay with me forever?”, loving her as if she were my own but knowing I couldn’t keep her, over and over I could only hear, “Let go and let God!”

I don’t know why bad things happen. Why we have to experience such pain in life. I think I know less today than I knew a year ago, and I will probably know less with each passing year. All I know is that things are connected, love is connected and I am blessed to have known such a person and the creations she brought into this world.

So instead of focusing on the bad, I am going to tell you a story that made me feel like Ottilia was watching from distance. A experience that made me feel that all things are connected.

Last week I came home after interviewing some women in paq'tnkek about their experiences with domestic violence. Their stories and the process they have to go through to get help were so shocking to me and really opened my eyes to how our system needs to change. I remembered thinking, “Why did I never hear of this before? How can their struggle go so unnoticed in society? How can I help them more?” I started thinking about Ottilia. Then the connection became so crystal clear I almost fell out of my chair.

Ottilia was murdered by her husband but I was in such denial that this was a case of domestic violence that I didn’t want to even hear the term in relation to her. She was too powerful, too strong, and too intelligent, she couldn't be a victim of domestic violence! Could she? But the week she died my mother told me that Ottillia, who was a huge supporter of my documentary work, wanted me to come with her to document the process a woman has to go through to get help for her situation and family.

At the time when my mother told me this I was too grief stricken to understand what that meant. All I heard was that she wanted my help and I wasn’t there for her, and if I had of known I would have been in a heartbeat. I also remember thinking, “What is so crazy about the process of reporting domestic violence? Why would that be interesting?”

As I sat on my bed remembering this, I quickly realized, “Holy Shit! I ended up doing exactly what Ottilia wanted me to do, how the hell did that happen?”

Well this is how it happened. When RCMP Community Liaison Officer, Constable Jennifer Arnold called me after I moved to Sydney to part take in an anti-bullying workshop to teach youth video in Antigonish, I jumped at the chance. She had seen my video, Familiar Stranger, and felt I would do a good job working with the kids. She asked me if I would also be willing to interview the women of the community on domestic violence so she could use the footage for her powerpoint presentation, and of course I agreed.

Having experienced the situation around Ottilia’s death I was sensitive to the topic of domestic violence but truthfully had no idea what I was about to learn. As I sat there and interviewed these strong, amazing women I learned the absolute insanity they had to experience in order to get help for their situation. It was unlike anything I had ever heard. They explained in detail the process of how after they report abuse they are often intimidated by certain service providers and their children are often apprehended from their homes. This creates a fear and lack of trust, so they will often not report the abuse.

I was experiencing Community Economic Development in its rawest form as these women came together to educate each other and create change. They are tired of the cycle and strive to make a better future for their children. It truly was an honour and empowering moment just to be in their presence. If you would like to know more about this situation, please click the link on The Millennium Scoop. This issue should not go unnoticed and if there is a way to educate the public and create change, we are moving in the right direction.

So after returning home from a very intense interview with a young woman who outlined her fears, insecurities and strong desire to create change in the process, a lightning bolt hit me from out of the sky!

Without even being conscious of it, I was doing exactly what Ottilia wanted me to do. I did not seek out this information, it found me. She wanted me to use my skills of storytelling and video to help others and she believed in me. Ottilia tried to empower every single person she could in every part of her day, even if they didn’t want to be empower...hahaha...she would at least try!

So Ottilia, if you can hear me (and I know you can) thank you for pulling those heavenly strings and assisting in putting me in the right place at the right time. You will be missed but never forgotten and you have created a legacy in those beautiful girls. Missy, with her fiery passion and insight; Patience, with her humor and infectious laugh like yours, Patricia; with a gentleness and strength that comes out in a voice she has yet to unleash to the world; Primrose, with her skills and determination to succeed and ability to drive others to want to succeed; and Prisca, the funny, loving, beautiful light in my heart who I look forward to watching turn into a strong woman like her sisters.

For this I am truly grateful. Love and light to all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What do you do when your child sees things you can't?

Recently I had a mother contact me about her son. He is only four years old and he sees things that scare him. He called them colours and that each colour was different, some were good and some were bad. The poor little guy was petrified to go to sleep at night, scared to be alone in the basement and often was caught staring at something that nobody else could see. His mother was at a loss for what to do. I told her that I understood how the little guy felt seeing things that others could not because I too had this experience at a really young age. The worst feeling in the world back then was the thought that other people couldn’t see what I saw; I felt alone and scared because it was very real to me. So I told the mother to validate her son by asking questions about what he sees, letting him know that she believed him.
After doing this her son did show signs of relief that his mother believed him. I then became curious to what my son Cole might have to say about this, he did after all tell me about the colours of heaven and for some reason what this little guy was saying felt all too familiar. Without giving Cole too much information I asked him if he might have any insight to what this little guy was experiencing.
Cole paused and said, “Mommy I am not sure just yet but I will ask my angels, but has he considered going to see an eye doctor?”
I smirked at his response because it was so cute, “Why honey, do you think what he is seeing is just something wrong with his eyes?”
In a very matter of fact way Cole responded, “I don’t know yet mommy but that is what I hear.”
So I left this for a while but then a week later as I was sitting in the bathtub reading a book called Angel Kids, I sat up right away when I read an excerpt from the book about a little girl who was claiming to see colour, some of them being good and some of them being bad. I ran to get my phone to call the mother right away but what happened next was so incredible, I still can’t believe my sons intuitive abilities.
Let me paint the picture of what was happening. I was in the tub with the bathroom door closed, behind the shower curtain, the stereo in the living room down the hall was blaring and Cole and my boyfriend Blayne were in the room at the end of the house wrestling loudly. I called the mother and told her what I read and I was on the phone for less than five minutes. I then proceeded to get out of the tub and get dressed then walked to the other side of the house to see what the boys were doing. I found them hiding under the blankets waiting to scare and tackle me. After a few minutes Cole stopped everything and just randomly said, “Mommy I know what the little boy is seeing.”
When I originally told Cole about the little boy all I said to him was, “The little boy is seeing something, it scares him, do you know what it is?” I gave him no detail.
Cole continued, “The little boy is seeing colours, some are good and some are bad but tell him to not be afraid cause the good ones won’t let anything happen. They protect us!”
I sat there dumbfounded! “Honey did you just hear me on the phone?” but Blayne confirmed that they had been in the room wrestling for the past 20 minutes.
“How do you know this?” I asked him and he so bluntly responded, “Cause they were just here and I see them too. Can I call his mom to tell him not to be scared and that I will go and talk to the little boy to let him know its okay?”
“Sure,” I replied and handed him the phone. The next few minutes he talked to the mother and confirmed what his son was saying. Then he ended the phone call by telling the mother, “You should really take him to see the eye doctor, there is something on his eye.”
When I took the phone back and spoke with the mother for a second she was shocked because she did not tell me that they just came from the eye doctor that day, and sure enough there was a spot on his eye that they want to keep a close watch. She was shocked that Cole knew this.
After hanging up the phone I looked at my son and said, “Honey you are so special I hope you know this, I feel so lucky I get to experience your gifts.”
In conclusion I would like to say to all the parents out there, we are giving birth to extremely energy sensitive children. Be mindful of what you say, listen to what they are sharing with you and you might be surprised with window of opportunity that opens giving you a glimpse into a world we have forgotten.

Enjoy these two videos, one on Indigo Children and the other about a boy who remembered Heaven!

Love & Light
Cara Jones

Friday, March 9, 2012

Following Your Passion!

So it's been a while since I have written in my blog! I have to say that sometimes things happen in ways you never imagine! There I was sitting in my Finance class in my MBA program in Sydney, Cape Breton, and the next thing my father has a heart attack and one week later I am living back in my home town. People asked, "Are you upset" but truthfully I wasn't upset about leaving at all. My dad is fine now but after a crazy year I think our family had experienced enough drama and we were all ready to move forward. In the end I learned that letting go is the best method because truthfully you never know what is going to happen, what doors will open and what experiences you will have if you resist.

For five years I have been studying Success Principles. Everything I can get my hands on I read if it has to do with success! At first it was with the Law of Attraction. Trust me when I say that understanding that process completely changed my life. I began to see how taking responsibility for your mistakes and your choices is far more than just saying you take responsibility. It's a knowing, action taking, resilience and persistence building, constant life lesson that continues to astound me every day.

Success is not money because without happiness, what is money? Just a piece of paper! Just stuff! Don't get me wrong, money is important, it creates freedom and opportunity! It can do amazing things and help so many people, but Wealth is what I like to invite into my life. Wealth is health, happiness, abundance, money, friendship, learning...pretty much a balance of everything. All of that does not come without gratitude and I live life every day in gratitude!

I think that maybe that it all started happening when I was a teenager. When you are sick and close to death on more occasions than you wish to count, you begin to be grateful for every single day, especially if you are not sick anymore.

Sometimes I feel like my illness was a whole other life ago! Over 100 seizures a day, shy, afraid, wanting a boyfriend more than I wanted anything! The young girl who really didn't think she had a future and that it all might end one night in her sleep, in a Tonic Clonic seizure, teeth slamming down on her tongue, bladder releasing and all control lost. Lost in more ways than one! That little girl dreamed of big things! How if she just had the chance she could help so many people, love so many people, and give to so many people! Even if that giving was just as simple as a reassurance that she too understood and could be there as a support for someone else experiencing adversity!

Now 17 years later, I am hear to tell you that miracles do happen! That now I wake up every day and I thank whoever is in charge for giving me the opportunity to inspire! To breath life....seizure free! I know I am the lucky one and I don't take that lightly! So now that I am back in my hometown, I have decided to continue my blog, talk about intuition, finish my book and teach all of you the power of thought.

It's with the gift of understanding these Law of the Universe that my life has completely transformed! Even in adversity I continue to feel joyful and I would like to teach you how to achieve this as well!

Please check out my new site where I have created a series of ebooks on Success Principles as well as opened a membership site for my life coaching and personal development! For a limited time I am offering a free trial of my monthly membership! You can also opt-in and download a free ebook called "The Law of Attraction Made Easy." I look forward to working with you all!

Love and Light