I see a lot of new beginnings happening in a lot of people's lives. Everyone thought that 2012 was going to be the end but I can't help but notice a large amount of people waking up and living in a new consciousness. What do I mean by this? Well, I guess I see it in the little ways we interact with each other on a day to day basis. Our interconnectivity, our joy.
People (and a lot of men) who would never admit to being connected to a higher self, God, Universe, etc., are being called to something they can't describe. Many of them are noticing and telling me that what they think about manifests at a more rapid pace than ever before. I am noticing that in my own life at well. It is all very exciting.
So a little recap to where I have been and where I am hopefully going (I am going..geez do I ever learn to be careful with my words). I moved to the wonderful city of Toronto to start over and boy oh boy what a transition it has been.
I knew I had to move into a more prosperous environment for my spiritual AND career growth. I was about to finish my long awaited book, Dear Cole, Never Say Never, and I wanted to connect with a bigger audience.
Spirit guided my boyfriend Kyle and I, as well as my son Cole to this inspiring city and the people here have been amazing. I won't lie though, it has been difficult getting employment and figuring out just what the heck I am doing with the 290 books in my living room. How do I reach my readers? How do I tell them all I have learned and continue to learn. It was over the weekend that spirit gave me a real swift kick in the butt and said, "RELAX, it will all come together."
As I was researching online publicists and book reviewers I stumbled across a Wayne Dyer video on YouTube. Now if you are in the spiritual community you might be wondering how in the world it has taken me so long to watch or listen to Wayne Dyer and his teachings. I have absolutely no idea! I mean I knew about him and I knew what he did, but I just never listened to him before. I guess there s something to be said about that wise old saying, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear."
The man floored me! Totally floored me! It was everything I needed to hear in that exact moment and I knew I was going to be okay. That I had listened to spirit, was doing the best I could do in this moment and I had to "Trust in my own nature."
Please watch this video. It is absolutely worth every moment.