Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Top Five Things You Should Never Say To A Single Mother

So, after nine years of being a single mother and speaking with other single mothers, I thought it was time to do a little shout out to all those amazing women out there. Women in general smile through a lot of inappropriate things said to them daily and as a single mother we sure get our fair share.

It was really difficult to narrow these down and after I posted the video I got a ton of messages from mothers telling me crazy CRAZY things that have been said to them.

Ladies, you are doing a great job, keep your chin up and keep laughing. It is really all we can do in the end!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Vloggin Like A Fool!

This week was an interesting one. From birthday parties (I can't believe my son is 9), music, family health emergencies and explosions. Check out my latest episode of Cara Jones Speaks: Vloggin Like a Fool.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tips and Tricks on How to Finish Writing Your Memoir!

After finishing my book, Dear Cole, Never Say Never, people started asking me for advice on how to get through some of the obstacles they were facing while writing their book. Here are a few tips that really helped me in the process! If you have any questions that you would like to ask me, please feel free to comment on the video:)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Documenting My Mundane Life!

After moving back to Nova Scotia from Toronto, Ontario, I decided to start documenting and sharing with my viewers moments in my life as well as videos that highlight many of the things I have learned in my life as a mother, entrepreneur, intuitive and all round foolish person.

This first Vlog is just a silly intro into my life and my crazy friends. Check out out!

Stay tuned for my next video.